The Blue Balloon Campaign

a collection of data counter to the war on drugs narrative

The Blue Balloon Campaign


For decades, federal policies grounded in a long, expensive and failing policy of drug prohibition have created great difficulties for law-abiding Americans who have chronic and severe pain from medical conditions, diseases or permanent damage from traumatic injuries.

Misinformation, distortions and political optics, have led government officials, most of whom have no medical training, to promote and enact legislation that overrides our doctors’ own judgment when it comes to the treatment of pain.

Citizens who suffer chronic and severe pain wishing to take to the streets to make an appeal for the redress of our grievances face unique difficulties.

The Blue Balloon Campaign was conceived as a way for pain patients and supporters to participate in spreading our message. Our central symbolic activity will be the release and distribution of balloons – ideally blue, although any color is fine. Drawing on a face such as used on pain charts is encouraged. Participants unable to travel can release balloons from home.

Patients, loved ones and concerned citizens who are able are encouraged to perform releases of balloons from a public place, ideally a location visible to officials who work for agencies such as the DEA, FDA, CDC, at federal or state buildings, or medical facilities.

Participants may distribute balloons and flyers (available on explaining the Blue Balloon Campaign to passersby.

A balloon bouquet with suitable message can be sent to individuals in government or media.

Participants are encouraged to record, photograph or write about their balloon release activities to post on the internet.

The campaign will kick off on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019. The choice of a midweek day is symbolic of pain patients’ desire to have pain treatment to participate in ordinary activities like working and participating in the community.

Key to the campaign is that it not be a one-time event. Releasing, distributing and sending balloons should be done periodically. Spread the word to any potentially interested parties at every opportunity.